

Check out the links below, and if you know of any other related resources that may be relevant or helpful, please recommend them to me.

What is Grace?

What Does the Bible Say About Grace?
58 Bible verses about grace
Joyfully Growing in Grace
Joyfully Growing In Grace engages in an examination of beliefs found in the Hebrew Roots Movement, Messianic Judaism, and Netzarim streams of thought and related sects.
Escape to Reality
“Reality is found in Jesus Christ.”  When Paul said this to the Colossians, he was drawing a line between the shadow of death-dealing religion and the authentic substance of a life-giving Savior.  Religion says it’s about you, but the gospel of grace declares it’s all about him. Religion says “Do, do, do,” but the good news declares “It’s done, done, done!” For too long the world has been bound by the never-ending demands of religion. True freedom is found in knowing the One whose yoke is easy and light! 
The Barnabas Ministry
The Barnabas Ministry helps people deal with unsatisfying, difficult, unhealthy or abusive church experiences. Initially created to address issues in a particular church setting, the Barnabas Ministry now helps all Christians understand church dynamics and directs them towards healthy and mature spiritual lives. 
Narcissism in the Pulpit
Generally most church conflict is caused by carnality, selfishness, and ambition (1 Cor 3:3). Combine these sinful behaviors with an antagonist or two and you can have serious conflict problems. Add selfish ambition to these characteristics in the Senior Pastor and spiritual abuse can be meted out in sinful and destructive ways. But there is one unbearable situation that unfortunately occurs too often within the church that I wish to discuss: That of a pastor with a personality disorder shepherding (or pretending to shepherd) the church body. Generally, individuals who manifest serious personality disorders such as schizophrenia, paranoid, borderline, etc., are not stable enough to survive in leadership positions. But due to the nature of the pastorate and the way in which pastors are called and dismissed, there is one personality that somehow manages to survive in the pastorate that of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
How a Good Church Becomes a Cult
How does a good church become a cult? When does a pastor overstep his authority? How to recognize a toxic faith system that preys on emotionally dependent church members.

Toxic Faith: Surviving Spiritual Abuse
Dr. Stephen Arterburn answers questions inspired by his book, "Toxic Faith: Experiencing Healing from Painful Spiritual Abuse." 

Christian Courses e-Learning
Pursue a quality education completely online with courses taught by trusted Christian scholars and in a way that meets your busy lifestyle. These courses are designed for personal enrichment. Whatever track you choose, we welcome you and invite you to engage with us in a continuing journey of lifelong learning.  ... We offer more than 70 courses absolutely free and all are uniquely designed for online self-study. 

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